Michael Ford
Michael tells us about himself with a simple Q&A
Q1. Who is Michael?
I am a working artist, teacher, professional singer and most recently children’s author.
Producing art in a range of styles and media is something I have done for as long as I
can remember and will always do. Constantly working on creating and developing new
images, I thrive on how challenging and rewarding this can be.
Q2. Where do you get your inspiration?
Everyday life brings the imagery to me and I like to explore where this can take me. I
don’t like to limit myself in terms of inspiration and like to open up all possibilities once an initial concept has begun.
Q3. Did you have any training?
I studied Fine Art at degree level specialising in Painting and have been producing work in some shape or form ever since.
Q4. How would you describe your art?
It depends what mood I’m in really. I like the discipline and infinite scope to learn that life drawing and portraiture offer but equally enjoy the aesthetic and expressive opportunities that more abstract imagery can bring. I like to work with everything visual and this, I think, is reflected in the pieces I create.
Q5. What artists inspire you?
I like the work of Gerard Richter and Euan Uglow and Franz Kline
Q6 What does Sentiment mean to you?
It’s a beautiful concept which combines the warmth of belonging to a larger community and the opportunity to communicate with other people around the country through art. It’s an exciting project and a great chance to be part of something new and far reaching.