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Sarah Graham_SharonCooper-46.jpg

Sarah tells us about herself with a simple Q&A

Q1 Who is Sarah?

I’m a photorealist artist, creating oil paintings of sweets and toys.  I’m also a child trapped in a grown ups body!

Q2 Where do you get your inspiration?

Everywhere, ideas come thick and fast, unfortunately paintings are slow, so I have a back-log of ideas!!

Q3 Did you have any training?

Yes, I did an art foundation course in Art & Design, and then a BA(hons) degree in Fine Art.

Q4 How would you describe your art?

It’s very much pop art, my subjects are fun & colourful, & I hope evoke a sense of joy and wonder.  There is a serious side though, it’s very technical, and it’s taken years to hone my craft to the level it’s at today.


Rainbow Pony 2020


oil on canvas 85cm x 110cm

Q5 What artists inspire you?

​Gerhard Richter, his painting of his daughter entitled ‘Betty’ is the reason I’m a photorealist.  I saw it in an art book while at uni, and have been hooked ever since!

Q6 What does Sentiment mean to you?

It’s a great way to reach a wide audience, and share a little piece of what I live for, especially during these times of isolation and division.  I hope it spreads a little much needed joy.


Sarah's Sentiment 


Sweet Heaven

This beautiful painting is from Sarah's collection. We have taken a hi-res image printed on canvas and divided the collaborative piece into 1000 pieces allowing friends, family and fellow art lovers to connect to the artist and each other through this unique medium.

Each piece is mounted on a 24 carat gold leaf base with a thread of gold running through each piece to connect the piece's together and to this artist and in turn all the artists in this Sentiment collection.

Framed in a black wooden box frame signed and numbered and ready to be shared and collected.

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To own a piece of Sarah's Sentiment follow the link below and start collecting and connecting.

A human connection through the medium of art.

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