Tamara tells us about herself with a simple Q&A.
Q1 Who is Tamara?
Tamara is a publisher, artist, and founder of the short spoof film awards The DAFTAS. With past experience in modelling, filmmaking, content creation, fiction and poetry writing, being creative is her way of experiencing life. Working with various media and ways of self-expression, her creations always offer fresh perspective.
Q3 Did you have any training?
Q2 Where do you get your inspiration?
Everything and anything in my daily life can serve as an inspiration – be it a person, a smell of a new book, a throwaway sentence picked up on a street, a work of art or poignant film, a look of a stranger on a tube that I would love to preserve, or a dream I want to dispose of - this world constantly inspires me in so many ways.
Q4 How would you describe your art?
My art comes in all shapes and sizes – from written word to visual artworks in various media, to moving images (video and film). Being impatient as I am, I often work with tools and means available to me at the time and I love mixing up the media and playing with various textures.
My art is always about people and their experiences – abstract, at times surrealistic but always complex and meaningful.
Q5 What artists inspire you?
Iʼm inspired by grit and ingenuity of creatives in general, their life stories and journeys, their ability to withstand in the face of adversity. We all have those stories to tell but there isnʼt always time and space for much nuance to appreciate that.
Thus, I see art as a permission slip to pause, ponder, relate and feel part of something universal.
Q6 What does Sentiment mean to you?
Sentiment is an exciting new way of approaching art and the process of creation in general. I think itʼs the closest art has come to a book signing where each reader can walk away with a little slice of the authorʼs essence. The concept of Sentiment fascinates me.
Tamara's Sentiment piece
'The King of Diamonds'
This stunning piece is part of an exciting collection Tamara has created. We have been fortunate to have the image and turn it into a canvas then to be divided into 1000 of the iconic jigsaw shape. Each piece mounted onto a 24carat gilded base with a thread of gold running through to symbolise the unique connection to the artist and all who hold a piece of this Artwork.
Signed, numbered and framed in a simple black shadow box frame 12cmsq. A copy of the whole image is printed and inserted into the back of the frame with details of this artist.
To own a piece of Tamara's Sentiment follow the link below and start collecting and connecting.
A human connection through the medium of art.