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Tracy tells us about herself with a simple Q&A

Q1 Who is Tracy?

I am Tracy Charlotte Power, 42 from Hertfordshire. I have been creating art since I can remember. It was always my hobby and a love to draw and paint. My career as a production manager in the film industry came to end after being diagnosed with end stage kidney disease. 

I underwent kidney and pancreas transplant in 2018 It was during my recovery I decided that I wanted to take a leap of faith and become a full time artist. I trained by practising every method and technique I could learn about using nothing but books, the internet and advice from other artists. A year later I owned my own art studio, a gallery residency and was selling my artwork successfully. Today I have my works showing in several galleries, Manor Houses, homes and public spaces. 

Q2 Where do you get your inspiration?

I am inspired by fashion, pop culture and music. I love to paint sculptures such as Michelangelo’s ‘Statue of David’ using vivid and neon palettes. My favourite artists are Jade Purple Brown, Alex Giles and Sir Peter Blake.

Q3 How would you describe your art?

My art is a mixture of traditional and contemporary styles, techniques and subjects, all dipped in vivid paint! 

Q4 What does Sentiment mean to you?

The sentiment collection draws me in to its heart. Divide and Connect is inspired and full of heartfelt connections. It feels great to be woven into the tapestry of such a magnificent collection with so much richness and talent.


Tracy's Sentiment piece

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First Class.

Inspired by fashion, pop culture and music. Tracy loves to paint sculptures such as Michelangelo’s ‘Statue of David’ using vivid and neon palettes. Here is a stunning painting acrylic on canvas and has now   

started to be divided into the iconic jigsaw shapes. 

Each piece is mounted on a 24 carat gold leaf base with a thread of gold running through symbolising a connection with all the pieces in this artwork and and all the artists in the Sentiment Collection.


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Signed, numbered and framed in a simple black shadow box frame 12cmsq. A copy of the whole image is printed and inserted into the back of the frame with details of this artist.

To own a piece of Tracy's Sentiment follow the link below and start collecting and connecting.

A human connection through the medium of art.

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